Thursday, October 11, 2018

Chapter 1. Labor.

I haven't been the best at updating and sometimes I feel a lot of guilt even though I shouldn't. I am a new mother and my role comes with a lot of demanding features I wasn't expecting and some things have taken the back burner and I don't care. Anyway, this will be broken into chapters.

CHAPTER1 Labor..

I read many articles about first time mothers and what to expect. You can only prepare someone so far but ultimately, their story is theirs and will be different from what you experienced. I read a lot about how first time labors can be very simple. You go in, have the thing and then you're done. Bull. Shit. I knew I wouldn't carry to term. I played my last month day by day not making any huge plans or commitments. Work was hard and I tried to prepare as best as I could before I took leave. My last week of work I started labor.

I woke up early Monday morning and felt the rush of liquid and jolted out of bed thinking "it happened. I peed my bed." I went back into my room and couldn't find any wet spots on the bed. I woke up Kyle and said "I either peed myself or my water broke. There wasn't the smell of urine and that furthered my assumption it was my water. I texted my friend that lives across the street, as I do with all of my pregnancy concerns, asking what she thought. "Go to labor and delivery now!" Away we went.

I had a plan for delivery. It was to all be done at University of Utah hospital and not at Logan Regional. I explained my situation and asked if I would be okay to drive down I got a firm "no" and we continued my stay. I was poked about nine times trying to find a line for an IV. Two blown veins and immediate bruising we discussed the possibility of flying to SLC. More money I don't have so let's do it! My mom comes in like a bat out of Hell saying "what's going on why are you still here? Why aren't things moving along? What are you dilated at?" She wasn't pleasant with the nurses and I was extremely embarrassed. Despite the inability to find a vein they were very kind and took decent care of me. I was dilated a one and water was still in tact so they finally let me leave. So I guess I did pee myself. Fun.

We called down to the U and were instructed to stay as close to the hospital as possible in case my labor progressed quickly. Work started pulling strings to function for the coming days I'd be gone and I headed down to my sister Carrie's house in Far West. She started looking up things that help progress labor and decided I could use a walk. We walked together about 8,000 steps (I can't remember how many exactly) and I could feel my contractions come and go as we kept going. Monday night my contractions were terrible and I didn't get an ounce of sleep. I cried, I paced, and I tried to focus on my breathing. The next morning I slept roughly an hour and that was it. Carrie and Cam took me to Target so that I could get some things I'd need after delivery and the rest of the week. That evening we took a stroll through their neighborhood and I was finally tired enough to fall asleep. Again, I was up the whole night trying to cry quietly while my six year old nephew slept in the room next to me. I battled waking up my sister but my contractions were so close together I finally woke her up at about five. We drove to the hospital and by the time we got there magically my contractions stopped. I was still dilated a one and I looked like an idiot.

The next few nights were the same deal. We would call into labor and delivery and the nurse would tell us what to look for. I was spotting, had lost parts of my plug (I regret googling that) and was getting very stressed. We continued going in when contractions were consistent only to be told to go back home. Kyle came down Wednesday afternoon and consoled me as I screamed and cried everyday for the rest of the week. I was dilated a five by Thursday evening and I thought for sure I would get to stay. My contractions were consistent, LeiLani's heart rate was alarming and when the nurse came to tell me to go home I wailed "please do not send me home again". After refusing to get out of the bed to get dressed I was given a shot of Morphine and was told to take a Tylonal. Are you for real?? Cam paid for a hotel right next to the hospital and it was beautiful. I don't remember much of it but my mom said it was beautiful and I'll take her word for it. The Morphine made me sleepy and I recited my favorite parts of the Little Mermaid to my mom -which is the whole movie duh. I've never had Morphine before but apparently I spoke like a sloth.

I didn't make it through the first night not even to 3am. My mom took me in and this time we weren't leaving but we did and I was given a higher dose of Morphine while still dilated a five. That morning I slept for a few hours and woke up unable to move nor lay still it was miserable. I was crying out and began feeling nauseous so again we went back in. By the grace of God I was dilated a six and under the state of Utah apparently that's when you get admitted. I looked at Kyle and you couldn't wipe the smile off my face as I eagerly awaited for the charge nurse to come in. Kyle began updating our families and the nurse came in to tell us "Okay, you can be admitted but we don't have available rooms in labor and delivery". I said "are you fucking kidding me?" Kyle told my mom and she said she didn't know whether to laugh or cry. A lovely nurse came in and said she would be putting my line in for an IV and I began to panic inside. She looked at my arms and said some choice things about Logan Regional that made me cry laugh. FIRST try she got it in and I was later wheeled into admission.

The adventure with my epidural was just that, an adventure. I worried my whole pregnancy about the epidural and swung back and forth debating whether or not I would get one. Turns out some of us have more bone and I am one of those people haha. Once it worked I was on cloud nine and as my contractions continued I slept. The time after that seemed to speed by and before I knew it she would be here.

I was surrounded by Kyle and his parents, my sisters Beth and Laura and my mom. Kyle's parents got a full dose of my family uncensored and I worried slightly they would not enjoy it. I say that because Laura literally bit off my bra in front of everyone because I was itching. She's a loving sister really. A few jokes and laughs later it was time to push out my rainbow. The doctor on call was amazing as she coached me through breathing and pushing. I was taken to the O.R. and an hour later LeiLani was here. There was a slight cry and then silence then she was placed on my stomach. Kyle cut the cord and made a joke about a garden hose and she was passed through the NICU window and that was my crash course into motherhood.

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